Gov Alia Warns Criminals to leave Benue or face arrests


Gov Alia Warns Criminals to leave Benue or face arrests

By Bridget Ikyado

In an effort to secure the state and eradicate criminal activities, Governor Hyacinth Alia has issued a directive for all criminals currently operating in Benue State to leave or face arrest, according to a press statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary (CPS), Sir Tersoo Kula.

The statement, made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Makurdi on Saturday, emphasized the seriousness of the governor’s commitment to maintaining security in the state.

No criminal in the state will be exempt from punishment, as the statement indicated that everyone residing in the state is subject to the law. Moreover, concerning the recent attack on cattle traders in Kwande, Governor Alia firmly stated that none of the alleged perpetrators were Fulani individuals, contradicting claims made by the Benue PDP (People’s Democratic Party).

Instead of fanning the flames of hatred and ethnic tensions, the governor urged the PDP to collaborate with him in fostering development within the state. Furthermore, Governor Alia decreed that security agencies and local traditional rulers in the area should take immediate action to apprehend and prosecute the criminals responsible for the attack on two Katsina-Ala-based cattle traders.

The governor’s statement refuted the PDP’s allegation that the victims were Fulani herders, dismissing it as baseless and misleading. He emphasized that the incident at Nyihemba was purely a criminal act and should be treated as such, with the perpetrators brought to justice to serve as a deterrent to others.

It is crucial to prevent the state from descending into lawlessness and anarchy, Governor Alia emphasized. He vowed to resist criminal gangs and pledged his unwavering commitment to ensuring maximum security for the people of Benue, leaving no stone unturned in the process.

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