NO VICTOR, NO VANQUISHED – NMA Chairman Benue State says

By Margaret Tyam
Dr Ushakuma Michael Anenga,
newly elected Chairman, Nigerian Medical  Association, Benue state has said there was no victor ,no vanquished in the just concluded State medical elections.
In a message of appreciating he wrote,Unenge thanked all who participated in the exercise.
The message read:
I thank the Almighty God for making everything beautiful in His time.
 I wholeheartedly accept this responsibility and will do everything to justify the confidence you have reposed in me and the newly elected members of the state officers council (SOC).
I congratulate the immediate Past Chairman, Dr Samuel Otene and past SOC for the successful completion of their tenure, AGM, elections and smooth transition.
As I receive the mantle of leadership, I promise to continue the good work and take it to even greater heights.
I congratulate my brother, friend and distinguished leader, Dr Terna Dennis-Gav with whom I contested the elections for the Chairmanship position.
I salute his undying passion for the advancement of NMA and indeed the medical professional in Benue state and beyond. I may have emerged but we are all winners if we work together.
Special thanks to my father and mentor, Dr Williams Yongu who also began this race but sacrificed his ambition on the alter of peace and progress of the association.
 I remain indebted to this uncommon show of selflessness.
I appreciate all distinguished elders, past leaders and senior colleagues for their wise counsel and guidance, especially during the campaign and elections.
I hope to take advantage of their wealth of wisdom in piloting the affairs of NMA Benue during my tenure.
Special thanks to all members across all the affiliates and the state who came out en mass to attend the AGM and also support their candidates in the elections. I lack words to appreciate your resolve and support.
I plead that you continue this show of support as we also do everything to make you proud.
I’m eternally grateful to my campaign team led by Dr Ayom Philip Aondofa who worked tirelessly selling our ideas to our colleagues.
We will continue this work to the end and ensure that we keep to our promises, with no stories but only results.
Saving the best for the last, my wife and children have been very supportive. I appreciate their patience while I spent long hours away from home during this period of the campaign.
 I remain grateful to them.
My dear colleagues, the elections have come and gone; there’s no victor, no vanquished.
I appeal that we quickly move on from the tension and animosity that every contest generates, and harmoniously work together to take the medical profession and our association to greater heights in Benue state.