Unity in Action: Comptroller Malah Fosters Collaboration for National Security



Unity in Action: Comptroller Malah Fosters Collaboration for National Security

By Aluta News
May 17, 2024

In the quest for national security, Comptroller Muhammed Danja Malah, the Customs Area Controller of Borno/Yobe Command, has emphasized the importance of synergy among security agencies. He believes that unity and collaboration are key to defeating criminality and promoting national security.

Comptroller Malah’s conviction was evident as he embarked on a familiarization tour of sister security agencies in Borno and Yobe states. During his visit, he stressed the need for regular intelligence sharing and continuous collaboration to curb illegalities like smuggling.

“We are all children of the same parents,” he said, referring to the various government military and paramilitary agencies. “We must work together to secure our country.”

Comptroller Malah acknowledged the operational peculiarities of Borno and Yobe states, as well as the entire North East region, which necessitate a united and collaborative approach to security.

With a strong commitment to his role, Comptroller Malah assured that the Nigeria Customs Service will implement duty collection in line with the Nigeria Customs Service Act, 2023. He is determined to lead by example, fostering a spirit of oneness among security agencies to achieve national security and prosperity.

As Comptroller Malah continues to strengthen customs collaboration with sister agencies, his efforts are expected to yield positive results in the fight against criminality and the promotion of national security.

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