Katsina board urges intending pilgrims to complete payment by Feb. 12


By Aluta News

Jan. 7, 2024

This is contained in a statement issued by the board’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), Alhaji Badaru Bello-Karofi on Wednesday in Katsina.

He said that some of the intending pilgrims had earlier deposited between N3 million and N4 million for the 2024 pilgrimage.

He said the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has announced N4.699 million as this year’s fare.

The increase, he said, followed the recent plunge in the value of Naira against the US dollar.

The commission initially announced N4.5 million as the fare for the 2024 Hajj, but the fee has now been increased to N4.6 million for northern pilgrims and N4.8 million for pilgrims from the south.

This latest adjustment was recently announced by the NAHCON’s Assistant Director of Public Affairs, Hajiya Fatima Usara.

According to her, the naira crash compelled a necessary adjustment, as the commission was forced to review the fee.


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