Adeniyi’s appointment, round peg in round hole, says ACG Malanta

ACG Yusuf Malanta

Adeniyi’s appointment, round peg in round hole, says ACG Malanta

By Gambo Jagindi
December 14, 2023

The Assistant Comptroller-General of Customs (ACG) in-charge of Training and Coordination, Yusuf Malanta has described the appointment of Bashir Adewale Adeniyi , as the Comptroller-General of Customs by President Bola Tinubu, as a round peg in a round hole.

Malanta made the remarks on Wednesday during a chat with newsmen at the ongoing Comptroller-General of Customs Conference holding at the Intercontinental Hotel in Lagos.

He noted that the appointment reflected Adeniyi’s professionalism, capacity and competence to take the customs service to greater heights and to further actualize the president’s Renewed Hope agenda.

He also said the appointment displayed President Tinubu’s resolve to turn things in trade facilitation and to ensure effective service delivery.

According to him: “With the experience garnered over the years as an astute customs officer and a gentleman, Adeniyi is bringing his wealth of experience to enhance the customs service and reinvigorate performance.”

While wishing the CG a successful tenure, Malanta said he was confident that the customs boss would not disappoint the nation.

“As you can see that within the few months in office, he has made remarkable strides focusing on better service delivery and establishing synergy with all stakeholders, including the media,” the ACG asserted.

He commended Adeniyi for reviving the CGC’S annual conference after some years in suspension, saying the conference serves in enhancing capacity building and facilitate interactive relationships between officers and men of the service.

The customs officer also elaborated on the significance of the conference which he said usually enable the service to review its operations, fashion ways to improve performance and synergies with other stakeholders.

Malanta further used the media parley in urging stakeholders to always comply with the government trade rules and regulations at the seaports and other border areas to boost economic development.

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