75% of human ailments comes from animals – Veterinarian


By Aluta News

Jan. 23, 2023

Dr Olatunji Nasir, the President of Common Wealth Veterinary Association (CVA), says about 75 per cent of all human ailments come from animals.

Nasir made the submission on Monday in Ilorin during his paper presentation, entitled: “Veterinarians in the Face of Global Health Security”.

He was speaking on the sidelines of the 4th Induction/Oath Taking Ceremony of the 2020/2021 Graduating Class of the University of Ilorin.

The expert on animal diseases stated that the importance of Veterinary practice cannot be over emphasised, adding that they are the gatekeepers who keep diaeases away from humans.

According to him, veterinarians are the interface of the environment who control advent of animal diseases encroaching into humans habitation.

Nasir postulated that there is need for collaboration between all the health sectors under the World Health Concepts, especially human and animals.

He lamented that the frequent encroachment of humans on animal habitation is a cause for concern, adding that this cause displacement of animals from their habitation.

“The wild lives and humans are interacting, as humans continually push into animals space. This interaction causes importation of diseases into human lives,” he said.

He listed some of these diseases to include Ebola, Lassa Fever, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox and the recent COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the world.

Nasir advised the new Veterinary doctors to use technology for potential changes in the profession.

He qlso advised government at all tiers to employ more veterinary doctors to man affairs in the agro allied industries.

The expert observed that increasing population is posing danger, hence the need for government to control the population.

Besides, Nasir enjoined herders to prevent thier cattle and animals from defecating in rivers and ponds for the health of the citizenry.

