Okomu Holds Interactive Session With Communities



By Aluta News

March 11, 2022

The Management of Okumu oil Palm company, has held the first of its biannual interactive session for 2022.

As have been established in the company, the Exco of the neighbouring communities are invited twice yearly to the company for interactive session and training.
This year’s training theme was Managing Perception and Mindset.
The essence of the training was to build on the already existing cordial relationship between the company and the communities.
Speaking to the participants during the training, the MD of Okomu Dr Graham Hefer asked the participants if they were happy with the company which they all answered in the affirmative. He asked further if there are anything the company is not doing rightly and they answered in the negative, he then wondered why the communities are not taking advantage of the whistle blowing policy of the company to inform the company of the activities of hoodlums who may be deciding in their communities.
Some of the participants who spoke include Richard Amayo of Odighi community who praised the company for the good work the company is doing
Speaking in the same vein, Mr Augustine Yankee who represented Okomu community also acknowledged the goodwill of Okomu oil, but also appealed that the company should be lenient with transgressors
The community representatives pledge their support for the company and promised to be more vigilant to ensure that criminals do not use their communities as a base to lunch further attack on Okomu.

Hefer, disclosed that the company expended over N20 million on whistleblowing last year, urged the communities to stand up for themselves against hoodlums terrorising them and the company.

He said the people could still take advantage of the policy to voluteer information on the identities of the gunmen, and help the company get back to business for guaranteed provision of social amenities to the communities.


According to him, “are you just going to look and allow hoodlums overrun your communities.

“Are you going to just watch and let the goose (Okomu company) who lays the golden egg be destroyed  by hoodlums.

“Are you going to continue to keep quiet and allow thieves carry our banga and logs through your communities and not say anything.

“Are you doing to just watch and allow these hoodlums continue to kill our staff  destroy our equipment while they still live among you?

“My appeal is for the community leaders and the subjects to look inward and fish out the bad elements among them ” otherwise, we may be forced to shut down the company.

” How can we operate when our workers are now afraid to go to the plantation for fear of attacks?,” he asked rhetorically.

Chief Augustine Yankee, who spoke on behalf of the communities, appreciated the company’s gesture especially in the area of delivery of its Corporate Social Responsibility to the communities.

Yankee, who condemned the attacks on the company, expressed readiness of the host communities to constitute vigilance groups to repel the gunmen attacks.

A Communication consultant, Mr Kingsley Ehrinwinoghae, who presented a paper entitled “Managing perception:  Changing perception and mindset,” said effective communication engenders peaceful coexistence among members any society
The event was observed by the leadership of the Ijaw Youth Council Mr Oluderimon Omoghomi and also by the representative of the Edo Civil Society