Obasanjo’s indomitable spirit inspiring, reassuring – David Mark


By Aluta News

Mar. 6, 2022

Former Senate President  David Mark has described former President Olusegun Obasanjo as a patriotic African leader.

Obasanjo attained the age of  85 years on Saturday.

In a congratulatory message on Sunday in Abuja, Mark said that Obsanjo had been passionate about peace, unity and development of the continent.

He made the disclosure in a statement by his Media Adviser, Mr Paul Mumeh.

According to the former senate president, Obasanjo is an uncommon leader who believes in the unity of Nigeria and Africa at large.

“Both as a military head of state and as civilian president, Obasanjo left no one in doubt of his political will to uphold the sanctity of our unity as one indivisible Nigeria.

“His frontline role in the battle that ended the 30 months Nigeria/ Biafra  war remains a reference point in the history and evolution of Nigeria,“he said.

He praised Obasanjo for his untiring efforts in ensuring peace in Nigeria and Africa, saying, “his indomitable spirit is inspiring and reassuring.”

Mark urged the new generation of leaders to emulate the virtues of Obasanjo.

“His kind is what we need to make the nation peaceful, united and uphold our bond of brotherhood,” he said.

He urged Obasanjo to continue to make his  wealth of experience available to the younger generation  to tap from.

He prayed God to continue to grant Obasanjo good health, wisdom and courage.

