NLC Pickets CAC , hired thugs attempted to set AUPCTRE vehicles ablaze

Com Ayuba Waba & Benjamin Anthony

By Gambo Jagindi

February 24, 2021

NLC successfully pickets CAC, thugs allegedly hired by the Commission attempted to set AUPCTRE vehicles ablaze

The Nigeria labour Congress NLC has successfully pickets the National headquarters of Corporate Affairs Commission CAC, resisted attempts to set AUPCTRE vehicles ablaze by some thugs allegedly hired by the Registrar General of the commission

Members of the NLC had Pickets the CAC national headquarters in maitama Abuja on Monday

They workers were seen chanting solidarity songs and expressing their displeasure with the management of CAC under the leadership of Alhaji Garba Abubakar

They workers are visibly angry and accused the RG of mobilizing members of sister union and thugs to cause commotion during the protest

One of the hired thug who was wearing SASGOC uniform causes serious commotion as he sprayed 20 litres of petroleum on vehicles belonging to AUPCTRE and attempted to set them ablaze in the presence of security agencies but was resisted by the gathering

Aluta News reports that the
picketing was led by NLC President, Ayuba Wabba, in solidarity with the staff of CAC under the aegis of Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees (AUPCTRE), who had accused the commission’s Registrar-General, Garba Abubakar, of maladministration and tyranny

Operations at the Commission was shutdown as entrance and exits of the building were blocked as early as 7:30 by workers from several MDA’s

Addressing newsmen at the protest ground, Wabba also alleged that the CAC’s RG committed various anti-union offences, ranging from corruption, illegal redeployment of married women out of the commission, stopping staff’s promotion arrears among others.

Wabba said Abubakar brought in environmental experts to fumigate the agency for N35 million in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, including contracting someone to paint the Zone 5 annexe office for N25 million.

The NLC president Waba and other labour activist at the venue promises to continue tomorrow with a massive turn out till all their demands are met








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3 years ago

More grease to ur elbows.
Worker’s welfare should not be taken for granted.

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