Passengers call for provision of worship centres at train stations in Abuja

Abuja-Kaduna train

By Mohammed Salisu

March 12, 2020

passengers call for provision of worship centres at train stations in Abuja

Some concerned passengers have called on the management of the Nigeria Raliways Corporation ( NRC), to provide worhsip centres, for both the Muslim and Christian faithful, at the Idu and Kubwa train stations, in the Federal Capital Territory , Abuja.

A cross section of the passengers lamented the absence of these worship centres in these stations, while some of the scheduled departures and arrivals coincide with prayer times for the adherents of the two major religions .

According to Mr Felix Abutu, a Christian, some of the departures from the Abuja train stations to Kaduna, have been scheduled for around 6.00am when both Chrisitiams and Muslims usually offer their prayers .

He cited the example of the Christians who mostly go to the Churches almost around the same time, especially on Sundays.

Abutu averred , ” if there are such worship centres , even if they are improvised ones , they can enter and pray inside them shortly before the take off of the trains.”

According to Alhaji Musa Ibrahim, a Muslim, there are usually departures from the Abuja train stations fixed for around 2.00pm, including on Fridays .

He said , ” providing even a makeshift Mosque would really help in enabling the Muslims to offer their routine five daily prayers on time , even if they coincidde with the time of departures .:

Ibrahim further noted that, the provision of the proposed worship centres would guarantee the fundamental human rights of both the Muslims and Christians, for unfettered freedoms of worship .

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