Nigeria Capital City, Basic Amenities, Fast Becoming An Impediment To Night-Life


By Emmanuel Iorbee

March 12, 2020

Nigerian Capital City; Basic Amenities, Fast Becoming An Impediment To Night -Life

Abuja, the Nigerian seat of power has in the past few years witnessed an influx of people leading to a population increase.

Reasons advance for this according to our findings is the serenity occasioned by very little security challenges. social activities and religious activities are also pervades the city with attendant economic effects.

Giving it’s strategic positioning which has earned it the title as one of the fastest growing cities in the world, Abuja deserves some of the finest amenities that would boost her social -economic standing, depicting her status as the nation’s capital City.

A survey indicates that most social amenities in the city are either broken down or are in very sorry state.

It indicates further that major street lights in the city are not functional even in high-brow areas such as the Central Area District which houses Offices of foreign missions in Nigeria most of the roads have portholes.

The situation is the same at Garki according to our findings. This is another area that has Nigeria’s foremost nationalists, including Herbert Macaulay, Tafawa Balewa, Ladoke Akintola, Ahmadu Bello, Fumilayo Ransome-Kuti and Moshood Abiola all who have major roads named after them.

It is indeed appalling that Garki has one of the most unplanned structures with suburbs of various kinds and investigations have also revealed.

As a City that prides itself as been in the league of cities who’s night life do not just enhance the economic lives of her inhabitants but also ensure revenue for government, authorities concern must wake up with a view to seen that basic amenities are provided in the capital city.

It is held that cities that bubbles all night long tend to witness less wave of crime owing to the fact that criminal elements usually don’t find busy environment very safe to operate and hence efforts should be intensified towards improving on the condition of these basic necessities that makes life more conducive at night.

Constant harassment of socialites at night by security operatives should also be checked.

Fraudsters have taken advantage of this situation, there is a popular one called One Chance which strive more in the night as most people who board taxies at night get dupe, their belongings energetically taken away.

This according findings does not speak well of the country especially giving the fact that as a Nation’ capital which play host international visitors, some of whom may choose to explore the capital’s night potentials, this constant harassment was fast putting the country in the negatively in the eyes of the outside world.

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