Veterinary council decries exclusion from 2024 budget


By Aluta News

Jan. 20, 2024

The Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN) has expressed displeasure over its exclusion on the list of health regulators reconsidered for funding in the 2024 Budget.

VCN President, Dr Moses Arokoyo, conveyed the association’s stance in a statement on Saturday in Abuja.

Arokoyo said it was no longer news that 75 per cent of emerging and re-emerging human diseases were of animal origin hence zoonoses had become a global focal point.

“Preventive medicine is no longer complete or comprehensive without inclusion or proper placement of veterinarians in public health.’’

According to him, the recent exclusion of the VCN by the Federal Government from national health regulators is ill advised and will have a far- reaching and devastating effect.

He added that such move posed a national public health risk to the lives over 200 million Nigerian.

The VCN president said the decision would also negate efforts of the veterinary community in the fight against fake drug usage in animals without regard for withdrawal time.

“It also means increased consumption of meat laden with drug residues by the human population, leading to increased incidence of cancer cases.”

Arokoyo added that it would also create antimicrobial resistance and ultimately increased deaths.

He said that estimates indicated that over 10 million lives could be lost annually to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by 2050.

Arokoyo said the combined effort of medical professionals and veterinarians was a more assured approach to safeguard the health and lives of Nigerians and in preventing and controlling the menace.

“The world is a global village and One-Health is the global approach to Public Health, Nigeria cannot exempt itself from the One-Health approach.

“The last outbreak of Anthrax should not be forgotten in a hurry, as the early detection and prompt response from Veterinary Council-certified Veterinarians was largely responsible for mitigation of spread of the deadly zoonotic disease.”

He said that if the Federal Government allowed non-regulation in the veterinary space, it would weaken the animal health sector further.

According to him, the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association strongly believes in the president’ss “Renewed Hope Agenda” but fears that this move may not be in tandem with it.

Arokoyo said that in the spirit of One- Health, VCN strongly advocated that the VCN be included among the national health regulators to be considered for funding to safeguard public health.

“We strongly advocate that VCN be included among the national health regulators to be considered for funding to safeguard public health,” he said


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